FaithFi Pro is an upgraded account that unlocks several features and tools in the FaithFi app. It gives you full access to everything in the app including connecting directly to your bank accounts, automated functionalities and customized reports.
Because of these features, FaithFi Pro is the easiest way to track your finances and stay on top of your financial goals.
You can start a free 14-day trial of FaithFi Pro to experience the magic of Pro for yourself! Instructions for how to start your free trial can be found in the FAQs section of this article.
Unlimited Connected Accounts
Unlimited connected accounts means that you can securely connect your checking, savings, loans and investment accounts directly to the FaithFi app! This makes it easy for you to stay on top of your account balances and to see your whole financial picture right from the app.
Automatic Transaction Imports
Automatic transaction imports ensure that you’re always up-to-date on your spending and income tracking. Your connected account’s transactions will automatically pull through once they’ve hit your bank.
This feature not only saves you an incredible amount of time compared to manual tracking, it also is bound to be more accurate over time since no transactions can be forgotten.
Ability to Auto-Categorize Transactions
This is another major time-saving feature! You are able to set auto-categorizing preferences in FaithFi Pro. That means that when a transaction pulls through, the app can automatically place it in the appropriate envelope based on your past actions and settings.
FaithFi Pro gives you access to this feature, but we don’t force you to use it. If you prefer to manually categorize all of your transactions you are still able to do so by setting your preferences.
Automatic Envelope Funding
If you are using the Envelope System, automatic envelope funding takes the Plan you create and puts it into action. You will no longer need to remember which dates to fund your envelopes for recurring costs like your mortgage or car payment.
With FaithFi Pro, once you set up your Plan and schedule your funding the app takes care of the rest for you!
Custom Envelopes
Everyone has their unique situation and circumstances to budget for. That’s why FaithFi Pro gives you extra flexibility to track your finances with custom envelopes. Whether you want a special fund for date nights or for adding to your prized stamp collection, you can create an envelope for it with FaithFi Pro.
Custom Envelope Groups
Similar to custom envelopes, FaithFi Pro lets you create custom envelope groups. This can come in handy when you want more control over how you organize your envelopes. Your options are limitless when you have custom envelopes and groups!
Ability to Split Transactions
Whether it’s a trip to Target or Costco, it’s likely that sometimes you make purchases of items that should technically be categorized in separate envelopes. For example, let’s say in a single Target transaction you purchase clothing and toiletries. The split transactions feature gives you the ability to separate the amount spent on clothing into your “Clothes” envelope from the amount spent on toiletries that you could allocate to your “Hair and Beauty” envelope.
FaithFi Pro unlocks this feature for you so that you can keep the most accurate accounting of your spending.
Access to Reports
Beyond helping you track your money, FaithFi Pro gives you access to custom insights and reports on spending trends! This is just another way the FaithFi app can help you steward your money even better.